Considering that the financing of a property can take 15, often 30 years, it is necessary to consider long-term aspects when choosing the place where you will spend most of your life.
Despite the anxiety that having a new property can generate, think that the possibilities of developments in the city are most of the time many, so if there is any point that you are not satisfied with during the purchase process, give it weight and greater attention to it, which can be decisive.
The most important tip is: do not rush and understand that this decision must be taken calmly and analyzed. If you’re at a loss for the main points to consider, follow our checklist below to see if the property matches all the topics well and is worth investing in.
- Location
Take a few turns around the neighborhood where the property you want is. See if he has good options in the market, pharmacy, bakery, gym, etc., things that save the use of the car for basic everyday needs. Then, research the means of transportation and proximity to the work of family members.
How long will it take you to get to and from your usual locations? Does the area have a lot of traffic? Is there a subway? Nearby bus stop? All these questions are essential when analyzing the location of a property.
- State Of Conservation
If the property you are looking for is new, its state of conservation tends to be much better, and the possibility of triggering the guarantee for any defect. But if the home of your dreams is in a used property, it’s essential to check every corner.
Open all faucets and showerheads, turn circuit breakers on and off, check all walls for cracks, and get a building report from an architect or engineer. So, you will feel much more secure with your purchase.
- Long Term Size
If you’re newly married or single, you might even consider buying a 30 or 40 square meter studio. But, as we said, the financing of a property can last several years. So, ideally, you can envision a part of your future when buying an apartment or house. Do you plan to get married or have children for the next 10 years? So bet on a slightly larger space, 60 square meters, for example, containing at least one more bedroom.
- Position Of The Apartment
This checklist topic is critical for those who live in very hot cities. If the apartment receives the afternoon sun, the chances of the heat became unbearable for a much more extended period of the day are pretty high. In general, properties that receive the morning sun are more valued, so if you have the possibility of acquiring one that fits this option, prioritize it.
- Security
The neighborhood and the security of the condominium must be well observed. When visiting the property, see how the concierge welcomes you and how easily you can access the residents’ area. Talk to potential neighbors and ask about neighborhood violence and if there has been any within the condominium itself. The best advice is to use a real estate agency like 33 realty real estate company for example to guide you.